Monday, September 24, 2007

Illustrated HORROR novel. (Adult content)

The really crazy vampire BLOOD NIGHT!

Britt-Eva turn to a roar louder than thunder. Luigis's father, it seems, smuggled home a friend, ancient and powerful. One sister wanders alone through the empty dormitories in search of a new pair of shoes. It doesn't take me long. I feel some hope.
One girl's yellow eyes unfocus, and her hand flies to her neck. I am already behind her as her skin blooms with grey. She takes two steps towards her lover, then vomits insect-riddled blood as my stake crashes through her heart from behind. Her friends desert her, and she told them such pretty tales.

Suddenly I have vision: I see the scene from above. My hands are behind my back, my legs splayed, my back arched. I am utterly naked and defenceless. A glistening streak of red bisects me, and a giant she-vampire clad in black iron armour sucks at me noisily, an animal sound.

Bloody pigeons, headless in the snow, unsettle the girls. There are more nightmares, more night walks; a warm, damp, unnatural wind blows an hour before dawn. I fortify the windows with steel bars, garlic and crucifixes, but there is always a way in left unprotected, it is inevitable.

It´s the way of BRITT-EVA and LUIGI!


Benjamin said...

Hmm, när jag läste adult content hoppades jag på lite Britt-Eva on Lugi on Alfredo action. Latex, strap ons, kanske en kåt liten dvärg. Men jaja, det var väl rätt okej ändå.

Alfredo and Friends said...

Oj, nej men herre hjärtanes och milda moster Matilda!

De som är så anständiga och fria från misär.

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